Academic Learning
"The best way to predict your future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln
Studio9 students excel in their academic learning with the assistance and guidance of expert teachers in small class sizes. Alongside approximately 16-18 of their peers in each class, students explore academic courses with an integrated arts approach. Our teachers are dedicated to supporting creativity and growth in the classroom and they focus on building respectful, inclusive learning environments. When your teacher is there for you, and you begin to take safe learning risks, you discover that you can do so much more. You can create your future by taking the right courses to chart your path and by getting the support you need to learn to succeed.
Project-based learning, collaboration, and cross-curricular learning are cornerstones at Studio9. We bring students and subjects together to create projects that demonstrate learned skills, processes, and ideas across multiple disciplines. Using these methods helps us understand more fully what we are learning and why. It is about applying the lesson, not just memorizing it. Creating with knowledge is a far deeper learning. We ask meaningful essential questions in the process of exploring our projects that require personal reflection and introspection.
Applied learning experiences strengthen the academic performance
of students, increase student retention, and improve employment outcomes post-graduation.
When we say "where education meets the arts," we mean that by combining your academic studies with creative electives in a safe, creative space, you have so many more positive and happy learning days. Then, when we combine academics and arts to create new ideas and art, we see new possibilities and ideas. Art reflects the current and past worlds, so let us use it to observe the past and present as well as to communicate our ideas to the world. Many performances, artworks, songs and creative writings done here come from projects in academic studies. Create a 3D mask or visual art piece using ratios, comparison, geometry and Pythagoras' theorem.