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Is Studio9 curriculum easier than other schools because of the arts?The easy answer is no. Project-based learning and learning through the arts require applying knowledge from the classroom, books, research and discovery to real-life situations. Application of knowledge is higher learning compared to memorization and testing. Application of learning happens almost daily as students design projects or create art forms from expertise gained in calculus, sciences, social studies and English. Students design projects on their own or in collaboration groups, then implement the project, analyze the results, and present their results or findings. While this is more advanced than memorization and requires many more skills, it still tends to be more exciting and fun than rote learning. Infusing the arts makes it more creative. This course of education has students honing advanced skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, practice, taking constructive criticism, focus, creativity and goal setting.
What are Studio9 teacher qualifications?The real secret to Studio9's student success and creative curriculum/programming is the staff here, particularly the excellence of the teachers. All core subject teachers are BC-certified, university-trained teachers as in most other schools, except they have also trained in designing/writing curricula, project-based learning and learning through the arts. They have also been working on aboriginal studies and aboriginal principles of learning. Arts teaching specialists either have subject and school-restricted BC teaching certificates or Teacher Regulation Branch letters of permission. A genuine commitment to teamwork is also extraordinary about Studio9 teachers, where we will all work together on learning and art projects. We all have different expertise that is given freely in the planning and execution of projects and learning. Project-based learning and learning through the arts are both learning processes that take serious commitment and a lot of time to plan, implement and grade, which in turn takes expertise and dedication.
Does my child need to be good at all of the arts?No, but they need to have a passion for the arts and be prepared to participate in the arts we offer. For instance, our Phys Ed is Dance. As we are a small school by design, all students will move with their class to the individual arts with professional art teachers. The purpose of teaching all the arts is to show students various ways to see or interpret the world around them and expand their horizons. A photographer sees the world differently than a dancer, singer, or visual artist. It is essential to see things from different perspectives and possibly see new ways to be creative. The arts teach many personal and professional post-secondary study and career development skills. Often a variety of arts are employed in class or school projects, so understanding them is essential. You can get more information on all of the arts that are taught at Studio9 on the front page by mousing over mosaic pictures of all the arts on the lower portion of the home page at
What time does the school day start and end?Our school days are 8:30 - 3:30. We have a 3-week winter break and a 2-week spring break. During Showtime, in May of each year, we perform at Rotary Centre for the Arts for one week - including three evening performances; the hours are longer and spaced out for performance nights. That schedule is provided well in advance of the performance week. We take two professional days during the school instruction day schedule, with the remainder during summer break. All statutory holidays are observed, and the school is closed on those days.
Do you offer any after school programs?We have an after school camp each weekday till 5:00 pm.
Where can Studio9 Graduates go for Post-secondary?The answer is pretty much wherever they want because Studio9 students graduate with ten or usually more credits than the minimum needed, and most graduate with Ministry of Education Honours Dogwood Certificates. So far, our students have usually been able to take their first choice in post-secondary and have gone to UBCO (Sciences and Arts), McGill, Okanagan College, Emily Carr, Red Seal Trades, Capilano College, Centre for Arts and Technologies, their own businesses, independent film production, music recording industry, film acting, and even military service (Army and Navy). Studio9 skills taught through arts and academics include critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, need to practice, project design, project implementation, results of their choices, listening skills, presentation skills and empathy. All of these are life and education skills which contribute to success.
How does minimal homework help my child later on in life?This is an easy question. Project-based, collaborative, in-class learning is second to none in developing long-term needed skills, whether it is understanding the learning material (knowledge), the ability to apply that knowledge (higher learning) or learning the responsibility of showing, working with others and contributing. Homework, for homework's sake, does nothing to enhance learning in real terms. Studio9 will send work home if it is unfinished in the class time allowed, but only if the student understands the work and what is required. Like real-world jobs, you do your work at school and not at home, for the most part. Homework assigned will usually be around research or reading. The time away from school or work is for family and the pursuit of personal interests or practice. Possibly sports leagues, music lessons, community theatre, outdoors pursuits. Time away from school work following other interests is good for getting other perspectives, improving health or simply time to unwind. If a child can do the work, why send more home? If the child cannot do the work, then why send it home for parents to teach?
In a small school, won't my child miss out on prom, grad walk, dances etc.?Studio9 has a fabulous Grad Ceremony, in fact, two of them. There is a cap gown celebration in the school Creative Hub. There is also a grad suit and gown celebration, which to date has been at local venues such as golf clubs and hotel event rooms and on houseboat lake cruises. Grad can be whatever is imagined by the graduates. Studio9 has many events, not to mention our busy performance schedules. The students organize school dances and events with adult support. The school's social network is tight, making events memorable.
How will a focus on the arts help my child get into a professional career?If you research the traits wanted in professional careers, you might find ...Integrity. ...Strong work ethic. ...Communicative. ...Flexible. ...Team-oriented. ...Technically competent. ...Determined...Eager to learn more. Now, do any research on what the arts teach. You will find these, and much more such as critical thinking, problem-solving, the ability to take constructive criticism, understanding practice makes you better, empathy and inclusion. Working in and through the arts opens a new, more extensive world where you see possibilities. The research on arts in education and arts education is immense. Those qualities are included, whether it is theatre, music, dance, visual art, digital art, technical theatre, costume design, creative writing, or culinary arts.
What career counselling can a high school student expect?We see making choices beyond grade 12 for post-secondary education or careers so vital that they are weaved into the curriculum and covered extensively. Focussing on options beyond grade school starts in middle school and intensifies in senior grades. As we note, Studio9's goal and role are not to simply train more artists but to help develop great people who can be confident and productive in any career choice. That takes some research, personal thought and focus on skills or interests. Students will research possibilities in post-secondary careers and consider more than one plan. Post-secondary institutions from various locations outside our area make presentations to our students on an ongoing basis, and we visit local post-secondary institutions. This gives students opportunities to talk to additional experts and ask critical questions. Sometimes students have clear visions of their plans, while others are checking out many options. Once students have completed their research and fact-finding, they present their plan to students, staff, parents and community members.
A small school is nice for lower grades, but how will my child in middle and secondary school be socialized for higher education or the real world?There is a lot to unpack on this question. The first part might talk about whether or not you want a safe, inclusive, respectful, creative, and educational focussed space. Those are some of our educational purposes that are difficult in large populations and institutions. As for preparing students for the "real world," all those skills and qualities developed in project-based learning and the arts are precisely those needed for life after school. In particular, collaboration teaches students how to work with and communicate with others effectively. This is particularly critical in success in post-secondary training and, of course, the workplace. The other part of a smaller environment is direct accountability for learning. Students here cannot disappear into the school population or hide from the commitment to working with others on projects or performances. There are challenging and fast deadlines to be met, and students are committed to them. The student socialization at Studio9 is very different but genuine and respectful.
Who operates or owns Studio9 School of the Arts?No one "owns" Studio9 School of the Arts. Independent schools in British Columbia operate under the Independent Schools Act, which mandates each school be managed and overseen by a registered and current non-profit society. In our case, it is the Studio9 Independent School of the Arts Society. The Board's executive director is in charge of carrying out the vision of the Society and oversees operations overall. The principal guides the school's day-to-day operations as outlined in the Independent School Act. Tuition, a Ministry subsidy and fundraising cover the cost of operations. The Society only gets small government grants and is responsible for supplying its facility, equipment, maintenance, bussing and furniture costs. The Society owns all assets. The Society is also a registered charity in Canada and can issue tax receipts for donations of cash and goods that benefit the school.
Is Studio9 School of the Arts autonomous from the Ministry of Education?No. Independent schools in BC are covered by the Independent Schools Act and operate in the spirit of the overall Schools Act. Independent schools are not allowed to replicate public schools in smaller classes and charge for it. We are tasked with offering an alternative education process. That can include a religious-infused curriculum, alternative learning processes, or focusing on sports, leadership or the arts, as we do. We must have alternate education delivery while following the BC curriculum. The school must meet or exceed BC curriculum, teaching, operations and safety standards. We are inspected regularly to ensure we follow the guidelines, and there are regular operations discussions and updates through our umbrella organization, the Federation of Independent Schools. To keep our Category 1 Independent School Certificate, we follow strict guidelines.
Is my tuition tax deductible?Most of your tuition is not deductible. Only a small portion is tax deductible, covering the non-instruction minutes of the day when children are supervised in eating or playing. The province covers a part of your school costs under the Independent School Act. In our case, being a Category 1 Independent School, the province provides a grant that is 50% of the local school district per seat grant but does not include land, building, equipment, furniture and maintenance, which is government paid in most cases in public schools. The government has determined turion for non-religious instruction in independent schools is not tax deductible. The Federation of Independent Schools has a video explanation of independent school funding
How does learning through the arts provide an enhanced education?The "go to" for teaching and learning is Bloom's Taxonomy. Here is a good summary from teacherthought,com ; "in one sentence, Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that can, among countless other uses, help teachers teach and students learn." Learning through the arts can be compared with Bloom's Taxonomy, a framework for categorizing educational goals and objectives, in several ways. Bloom's Taxonomy consists of six hierarchical levels of learning: Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Here are some ways that learning through the arts can align with each level of Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering: The arts can help learners remember information through visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic modes of learning. For example, memorizing lines in a play, lyrics to a song, or movements in a dance can help learners retain information through repetition and practice. Understanding: Through the arts, learners can gain a deeper understanding of complex concepts and ideas. For example, analyzing a work of art can help learners understand the symbolism and meaning behind it. Applying: The arts can provide opportunities for learners to apply what they have learned in new and creative ways. For example, composing a piece of music or designing a set for a play requires learners to apply their knowledge and skills to produce something original. Analyzing: The arts can help learners develop critical thinking skills by analyzing works of art or performances. For example, deconstructing a film or play can help learners identify themes, motifs, and character development. Evaluating: Through the arts, learners can develop their ability to evaluate the quality of works of art or performances. For example, critiquing a painting or assessing the quality of a musical performance requires learners to make judgments based on criteria and standards. Creating: The arts are often focused on the creation of new works, and thus, learners can develop their creativity by producing their own works of art. For example, writing a poem, composing a song, or choreographing a dance all require learners to use their imagination and create something new. Overall, learning through the arts can align well with Bloom's Taxonomy, as it provides opportunities for learners to engage with various levels of thinking and develop a range of skills and abilities.
Does the BC government give grants to independent schools for land and buildings?No. Independent schools do not receive grants for land, buildings, and equipment. Independent schools raise funds for such purposes from donations, fund-raising efforts, and tuition fees.
Does the BC government give grants to independent schools for operational costs?The government gives partial grants only, either 50% of the public school per pupil operating cost, 35% of the public school per pupil operating cost, or no grant, depending on certain classification criteria. Independent schools must raise additional operational funds from donations, fund-raising efforts, and tuition fees. Studio9 is a Category 1 Independent School, with 50% operating cost grants from the Ministry.
Are donations to an independent school deductible as a charitable donation?If the school is owned and operated by a society that is a charitable society and has received a Revenue Canada charitable tax number, the school may issue a receipt for donations which may be used for a charitable tax deduction. Studio9 is owned and operated by a charitable society.
Are tuition fees deductible as an education deduction or charitable donation?Tuition fees are regarded as fees for service for Kindergarten through Grade 12 and are not deductible in British Columbia.
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